Thursday, September 20, 2007

Prelim DC AAR (personal)

It's been an intense few days. Trying to remember way back to last Thursday... Huh

Thursday Sept. 13: Hooked up with OWB and Dave for the trip. Smallish vehicle, three people, and gear for a week - 'nuff said.
Arrived at Bolling AFB, met up with 'Ridgerunner7172' and checked in.
Visited The Slip Inn for eats and adult beverages.
Learned our way around the base and continued to consume adult beverages into the wee hours. Catching up with old friends and meeting a new one.

Friday Sept 14: Spent the day getting oriented and greeting newcomers. Around 5:30 a small convoy headed out for Walter Reed.
Walter Reed was, as always, a moving experience and the rain didn't dampen spirits. We outnumbered the moonbats which was a bit surprising. We figured they'd be re-enforced by Saturday's crop. Met Michelle Malkin and ate some Freeper supplied pizza.
We closed the street briefly as the bus carrying the wounded and their families arrived.

Saturday Sept. 15: In light of the vandalism to The Wall several of us positioned ourselves on a small knoll where GoE I had staged in March. The Nam Knights were there before us and and had the security situation well in hand, so we did what we could to help them and became an information center. Msairforcejim had an Eagles Up Information banner she'd created and we flew flags and steered lost Eagles towards the other end of The Mall.
I managed to visit The Wall several times and got some pix of the damage, etc.
We had a total of around 50 moonbats (signs and all) wandering around from time-to-time, but they were subdued at our end of The Mall. They were outnumbered and watched or followed everywhere they went, or tried to go.
A personal highlight was that I got to spend much of the day in the company of Colonel Riley's wife. What a lady!
Saturday evening we again visited The Slip Inn and compared notes.
Aside: After visiting and consuming adult beverages until the wee hours I was visited by some intestinal monster.

Sunday Sept 16: We had a wonderful Eagles Up breakfast and greeted Colonel and Mrs. Riley with a cheer when they arrived. Others will have to fill in further details since I headed back to my room and the comfort Roll Eyes of my bathroom. I was visited by TGD and others sometime later to again visit The Slip Inn, but they took one look at me and left.

Monday Sept. 17: Relocated to join with Vets for Freedom. The meet and greet that evening was superb. Met and shook hands with Congressman Brian Baird (D. Washington) who recently visited Iraq and changed his mind about our effort there. He'd caught tons of flack and it was heartwarming to cheer him on. He had one line in his short speech that brought the house down. When responding to his critics elsewhere he'd observed "I can get another job... I can't get another country!"

Tuesday Sept. 18: Donned my Vets for Freedom polo shirt and boarded the bus. We arrived at the White House early and had time to get through security and roam the south lawn.

The President's speech is covered at length elsewhere, but I found it moving and he was a bit surprised when the the applause was punctuated with a chant of USA! USA! USA! Grin

I'll finish/edit this later. Being home brings other responsibilities.

Sunday, September 09, 2007

They're Here

From Jerry Corsi: Via World Net Daily
The first Mexican truck authorized by a Bush administration program opening U.S. highways to trucking companies from south of the border crossed into the U.S. this morning at approximately 1:50 a.m. EDT at Laredo, Texas, headed for North Carolina, according to a report from
As I pointed out here we have one of the heads of the Democratic party meeting with, and encouraging a suspected terrorist Muslim group to run for public office.

Toss into the mix George Bush's plans for the Security and Prosperity Partnership Of North America and my concerns seem less paranoid and found in fact.

Sunday, September 02, 2007

Embracing The Suck

Democratic National Committee Chairman Howard Dean told American Muslims gathered in Rosemont to think beyond voter registration drives.

Article here

Encouraging citizens to to vote and run for office is right and proper, but this venue is highly suspect.

[The] Islamic Society of North America (ISNA), which had just been branded by federal prosecutors in court papers as a U.S. branch of the Muslim Brotherhood—the international movement, based in Egypt, dedicated to the creation of a worldwide Islamic caliphate. ISNA, which has not been charged with any crime, was among more than a hundred organizations and individuals who were listed in late May as “unindicted co-conspirators” in the prosecution of the Holy Land Foundation—the Texas-based group now on trial in Dallas for allegedly conspiring to funnel funds to the Palestinian terrorist group Hamas. Source: Jihad Watch

I dunno... sounds like were headed for an Islamic (Sharia) state. Considering the demographics involved it'll a Spanish speaking Islamic state eventually.

I've mentioned Al-Andalus before.

That state was arguably responsible for the 'enlightenment' so maybe it wouldn't suck. Unless you were among the few that Sharia law considers lesser beings.
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